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Coffee Connoisseurship

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Farm to Cup Pioneer

Can Coffee Be Perfect


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Better Coffee. Better World. Coffee Connoisseurship. Read inspiring personal stories.

Creative #1: Can Coffee Be Perfect

"Even before it meets my lips, I am looking for signs of perfection in a cup of illy..."

"True perfection may be an impossible dream, but that does not deter me from its pursuit."

"We pioneered the idea that a perfect cup of coffee needs to go beyond pleasing the palate."

"Like fine wine, illy is not a beverage, but an elixir of happiness."

"Coffee is our conduit for improving the lives of 25 million families in over 70 countries."

Creative #2: Farm to Cup Pioneer

"Farming on steep slopes makes the use of modern machinery impossible..."

"Here, every bean is touched by human hands..."

"You might think of coffee as a delicious beverage. Here, coffee is life."

"To grow this coffee is a special calling, passed down to me through generations."

"My Brazilian mountain coffee...mingles with beans from growers across four continents."

Creative #3: Perfect Preparation

Content coming soon.


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Better Coffee, Better World. Coffee Connoisseurship with illy. Personal stories that will enlighten you on the world's best coffee, and how together we can make the world a better place with each sip.

Creative #1: Can Coffee Be Perfect

"Even before it meets my lips, I am looking for signs of perfection in a cup of illy. They appear in tiny details, in the frothy crema atop an espresso and in the thousands of aromas that the illy blend gathers in a demitasse."

"True perfection may be an impossible dream, but that does not deter me from its pursuit. The perfect coffee is my mission, my passion and my obsession. So, peering into a cup of illy, I must ask myself: How can this be better?"

"At illy, we pioneered the idea that a perfect cup of coffee needs to go beyond pleasing the palate. We believe it should build a better world."

"Like fine wine, illy is not a beverage, but an elixir of happiness. The perfect coffee engages the senses and satisfies the soul. It is a dream that should be savored and shared."

Creative #2: Farm to Cup Pioneer

"Here, every bean is touched by human hands, much the way my great grandfather harvested and selected coffee when he arrived in this place from Portugal over a century ago."

"You might think of coffee as a delicious beverage. Here, coffee is life."

"To grow this coffee is a special calling, passed down to me through generations."

"My Brazilian mountain coffee will bestow body, sweetness and balance, as it mingles with beans purchased from growers across four continents."

"He thought I was crazy, telling me that illy will not be impressed with a small farmer in the South of Minas Gerais. I sent my coffee anyway..."

Creative #3: Perfect Preparation

Content coming soon.


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